Coming Out, Chapter 10 | カミングアウト、第十章

And a voice cried, “Though all those who seek after thee desire thee, behold! Virgin art thou, and Virgin shalt thou go till Time be done. No man is there born of woman who may draw thy veil and live, nor shall be. By Death only can thy veil be drawn, oh Truth!”

And Truth stretched out her arms and wept, because those who sought her might not find her, nor look upon her face to face.

H.R. Haggard, “She: A History of Adventure”

In chapter 10, I…

  • Develop a weird obsession with H and her boyfriends
  • Struggle to stay close friends with H
  • Realize how much I’ve grown over the past year
  • Wonder if dating will change me even more
  • Dread the possibility that coming out will ruin my friendships

The first entry of this chapter, from 23 May 2009, is too long and irrelevant for me to translate and share. Yet there’s one bit about H and her new boyfriend that I found worthwhile.

So I’ve been sort of making fun of H for the way she acts when she talks to [her boyfriend]- a typical teenager in love- jokingly of course, but I don’t know… it’s not that I’m jealous of [him] or something, I’m not attracted to H, plus I only see her as “my sister”.

Still I’ve noticed that I… don’t know how to even explain it… exhibit a certain attraction to H’s boyfriends (only when she’s dating them!). Not sexual, emotional, whatever this is. I don’t have a clue anymore.

And in the last few days I found myself constantly bringing up [her current boyfriend] when I’m with H.


I’m really not attracted to inconsiderate [redacted], but…

I don’t know. Maybe it’s like when other people who are platonically close to others want to “protect” them when they’re dating someone, so they’re worried about them and want to find out about the boyfriend… I guess this is more like it. I hope.

Besides 2 days ago H asked me if I’m gay and I avoided in a really bad way… I’m sure she has her doubts and speculations, or something. Pretty sure she also writes about it in her journal.

Ugh what a tangle from this whole gay or not thing! Enough!

2009年5月28日            もくようび            0:25

Vacation! Ahh! Finally vacation! I managed to nap in the afternoon for like four hours because I was exhausted…

And then I logged into ICQ like H had asked me to many times and as usual she wouldn’t engage in conversations with me anymore and was busy talking with others, which is fine but why does she want me to log in if we don’t talk at all?

Yesterday during one of the back-from-school-conversations […] I recalled her saying she sometimes analysed me, and then asked her to “share her findings with me” and she refused claiming I’d get hurt, so I tried to analyse her a little bit…

[…] I mean, this year I went through a huge transformation, I’m a completely different person now […] and maybe when I start, hopefully, dating a boy sometime, I’ll change too? Will it change me?

How much can I change? XD

[…] Anyway, she mentioned the other day a website called WikiHow, i.e., a website with lots of articles about how to do things.

So I opened it “officially” (with enough free time to dig deep) and saw that there was obviously an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) category. There were articles about things like how to come out, or especially when you’re a teenager- I read the main one but I think the teen one, obviously, will be more relevant, with issues like getting kicked out of the house. I don’t think [it will happen for some redacted reasons]

Anyway I think I’m almost ready- if the opportunity arises, which is pretty hopeless, I’ll “jump” at it I think. I already know I’ll start worrying, and regretting, and postponing, but I’ll really try to pluck up the courage and confess. I know it’ll help, but… whoever I tell, it’ll probably change our entire relationship… and I’m scared of this change. Maybe there will be repression? Discomfort? At least I know that B and H are really fine with this whole thing, but on the other hand I’ve seen signs of homophobia from [redacted].

This song was uploaded to YouTube a few weeks after this entry, and became one of my on-repeats. I don’t think I related to the lyrics as much as I do now. 

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